Sunday, November 11, 2007


If you're reading this, you probably know that it's National Blog Posting Month, or NaBloPoMo for short (by the way, what nation? Just asking.) You might also know it's National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. I guess November is a good month for these things, because it's also National Knit a Sweater Month.

In keeping with this, I hereby declare that November is National Do Something New Month, or NaDoSoNewMo.

Choose something you've never done before (even if it's "participate in NaBloPoMo", or "comment on someone's blog"), post it here, and let us know how it goes. (By the way, if you choose the "comments on someone's blog" option, and post about it here, you're already done! Hooray!)

1 comment:

cadiz12 said...

uf, it's sweater month too? i've been wanting to start on this sweater, but i don't think i'll have it done by the end of the month.